Welcome to the first issue of SNRD AP Newsletter for the year 2024!
We are excited to kick off the new year with updates, news, and exciting developments happening in our community. In this issue, you will find latest updates and insights filled with informative articles, publications, completed and upcoming events, and more from our members projects across the Asia-Pacific region. Our aim is to enrich your knowledge and keep you informed about the latest trends and developments. As always, our members have shared lots of inspiring stories and knowledge products, we are sure you will find relevant information for your context.
With this, we wish you happy reading & send best regards,
Till, Donaya, Khaekhai, Natasha
Spokesperson SNRD AP
Office Manager
Dear SNRD AP members, dear colleagues,
Personally, starting a new year also meant to say some goodbye for me. After 5 years in Thailand and 2,5 years of serving as the SNRD AP spokesperson it has become time to move on, and back to GIZ Germany.
I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to work with and meet many of you. Not only the regional conference in 2022 but the many exchanges, webinars, working group meetings (and the list goes on) that I was able to join showed me how exceptional, capable and dedicated all of you in the region are.
I would like to thank you for the great encounters and cooperation I experienced during my time with SNRD AP, for the many inspiring ideas and excellent outputs that many of you involved in the Working Groups and Task Forces have shared and achieved. You have made “regional knowledge management” a truly fun and rewarding process to be part of!
I would also like to say a huge thank you to my dear colleagues Donaya, Natasha and Khaekhai from the SNRD AP secretariat for their unwavering support and dedication, always there to answer questions, ensure smooth processes and shoulder many parallel issues at the same time. Without you, SNRD AP would not be what it is today!
Last but not least, it is my honor to introduce you to Till Ludwig as the new SNRD AP spokesperson.
We are very happy that Till shares the dedication to support and advance our sector network and is taking over from now on.
Wishing you all the best, and please give me a shout if you happen to be in Bonn or would like to connect over climate, biodiversity or any other issues 🙂
Best regards & greetings from Bonn,
Till Ludwig is currently Adviser in Nepal working on climate-resilient agricultural ecosystems. At the GRAPE project, he is leading the research activities and the digital transformation.
Till has been with GIZ since 2013. Previously he has worked on nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Bangladesh, on the banana supply chain in
Ecuador and Colombia and supported develoPPP projects within the agro-industry. He holds a PhD in Development Economics from the University of Bonn, where his research in India explored production and consumption economics within smallholder farming communities. He has served as the Speaker of the SNRD Task Force on Climate-Smart Agricultural Value Chains and most recently led the Working Group on Agriculture.
Beyond work, Till enjoys exploring the nature in Nepal and outdoor activities. His passion for astronomy lets him spend countless hours in stargazing, while he also loves to be challenged in chess.
“I believe that the most effective solutions to complex challenges arise from diverse perspectives coming together to collaborate, innovate, and implement sustainable practices. I thrive in environments where ideas are freely exchanged, and where creativity and innovation are fostered. Therefore, I think that Sector Networks are a true explorative space, in which also unusual ideas have a space – independent from our usual project logic. Concepts such as integrated solutions and bundling of resources are at home in Sector Networks.”
To support the development, realisation or production of innovative ideas with the aim to enhance distribution and exchange of knowledges, practices and experiences, ranging from publications, reports, products, trainings, to exchange dialogues. SNRD AP opened the call for task force and innovation fund application earlier this year. These proposals are approved by SNRD AP steering group. We encourage you to check out our task forces and their activities. Please feel free to get in touch with our Task Force Leads to learn more and find possible synergies for future engagement.
Ecological Assessment Kapuas Hulu: Understanding the Local Ecological Context in order to Design Appropriate Project Interventions
Last year, the Indonesian-German cooperation project, GRASS together with IDEP Foundation conducted a study to uncover the ecological conditions of Kapuas Hulu. The study data collection focused on biodiversity, soil health, water conservation, climate change mitigation, and its relations to improvement of agricultural system and local community livelihood.
Key buzzwords
#GRASSProject #AgricultureSupplyChains #Ecology #Smallholderfarmers #ResilienceNature #KapuasHulu #Indonesia
This assessment analyses the IPCC AR6 report’s implications for Southeast Asia and assesses its alignment with ASEAN’s climate change work. It also provides recommendations for enhancing ASEAN’s responses to climate change and identifies opportunities and themes for the region. This assessment is established by GIZ ASEAN CAP Project.
Key buzzwords
#IPCCReport #GlobalStocktake #ClimatePolicy #ClimateAction
The latest edition of The ASEAN Magazine, Issue no.34-35, has been published. With the themes of sustainability, digital transformation, and the advancement of gender equality for women and girls, the issue highlights ASEAN’s collective journey towards a sustainable future. In collaboration with GIZ ASEAN EU-German Climate Action Programme (CAP) Project, ASEAN Secretariat writes on how Nature-based Solution is the way for sustainable future and that a resilient and net-zero ASEAN community is still possible.
Key buzzwords
#ASEANMatters #NaturebasedSolution #GlobalStocktake #ClimateAction
The report provides an overview of the Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) process developed for the Hin Nam No World Heritage extension and its 3.5-year implementation journey. Through a triple approach, incorporating international standards review, lessons learned from FPIC practices in Laos, and field-based consultations, the FPIC process was designed to ensure credibility and equity in alignment with global norms. By emphasizing inclusive participation and genuine consultations, the process aimed to secure tangible and positive outcomes for the ethnic groups and local communities of the Hin Nam No area.
Key buzzwords
FPIC, world heritage, ethnic groups
This guidance paper explores carbon markets, GIZ’s efforts in climate action, and sustainable development through carbon pricing. It covers carbon credit mechanisms, challenges like robust MRV systems and GIZ roles, and opportunities in standardization and co-benefits. GIZ focuses on quality carbon credits, holistic impact, and adaptability. Recommendations include capacity building, strategic guidance, flagship projects, policy alignment, NDC support, and international collaboration to develop high-integrity carbon markets for sustainable development.
Key buzzwords
Carbon credits, carbon markets, climate change mitigation
Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) for Indian Wetlands is a self-appraisal tool to support adaptive management by evaluating how well wetland management is being carried out to achieve set objectives for sustaining the values of a wetland. The tool has been tailored to India’s unique socio-environmental landscape and includes insights from METT pilot exercises in five Ramsar Sites in India. The guide, designed as an aid for practitioners, provides stepwise guidance on METT datasheets, evaluation process and practices.
Link to Publication
Link to Project Page
Key buzzwords
Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool; Wetland monitoring; Wetlands of India
27 February 2024; 20 March 2024; 25 April 2024; 16 May 2024; 20 June 2024 | Online
16-18 July 2024 (Tentative date); Bangkok, Thailand
October 1-12, 2023
WHS Wadden Sea, Germany
January 12, 2024
Hanoi, Vietnam
December 2, 8, and 9, 2023
Dubai, UAE
October 17 to December 16, 2023
Kendrapara, Odisha
December 12-13, 2023
November 22 to December 4, 2023
Himachal Pradesh
November 19-20, 2023
Himachal Pradesh
October 20, 2023
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
October 20, 2023
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
November 29, 2023
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
October 11-12, 2023
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
GIZ International Forestry Policy Newsletter – Subscribe now to get news and updates on GIZ International Forest Policy. If you would like to receive the GIZ International Forest Policy Newsletter, please send a message to
Indo-German Biodiversity Programme – Indo-German Biodiversity Programme Newsletters
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II (REEEP II) Newsletter – Subscribe to get news and updates on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II of GIZ Bangladesh. To receive the newsletter, please send an email to
PM GatiShakti Newsletter – Coverage of activities supported by Green Freight project in the PM GatiShakti Newsletter. Please refer to Page 3 to read about Urban Mobility India session and CII summit of Post-harvest logistics infrastructure.
Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains (INA) – Read news from the Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains (INA)
GIZ Thailand Newsletter – Read news and updates from GIZ Thailand
Wetlands International – This month’s newsletter brings you conversations from Stockholm World Water Week (Aug 20th- 24th), our latest publications on biodiversity corridors in the Paraná delta, and the lithium extraction in the High Andean wetlands, and stories of restoration efforts and achievements from our network.
GRASSROOTS – GRASSROOTS is a newsletter of the GRASS Project, covering activities aimed at building resilience among smallholder farmers in Kapuas Hulu where the GRASS project is implemented.
Indo-German Biodiversity Programme Newsletter, Issue no. 25, January 2024 – This bi-monthly newsletter is a service by the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme (IGBP). The newsletter features project updates from across India and interesting thematic articles on the challenges of biodiversity conservation and management from the IGBP projects.
If you have any further resources or links you think would be useful to add, do share with us via – The Global Programme Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (HMCCC) have launched a global website, a subpage on Climate Change and Migration under the Please click the link for an introduction to the topic of climate change-induced human mobility, publications, and other resources. The global programme operates in the Pacific Islands, the Philippines and the Caribbean, and is supported by a team in Bonn.
GIZ Philippines Facebook Page – Get updated on GIZ Philippines and Pacific
GIZ Thailand Website – Learn about GIZ Thailand activities and other updates
GIZ Thailand Facebook Page – Get latest update on GIZ Thailand Facebook page
SNRD Asia and The Pacific Website – Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development Asia and the Pacific
SNRD Africa Website – Stay informed what is happening with our sister network
Engage with TUMI’s threads on TUMI’s Twitter – TUMI is the leading global implementation initiative on sustainable urban mobility formed through the union of eleven partners
Indo-German Biodiversity Programme – The Indo-German Biodiversity Programme is working with its overarching goal of sustainable use of biological diversity to support livelihoods for future generations. The Programme addresses the challenges of biodiversity conservation currently in four complementary areas.
Podcast ‘Vom Feld ins Regal’ (From field to shelf) – Is sustainable consumption an important topic for you? Are you wondering where The hosts JJ and Lara will talk about these and other exciting questions with guest? The podcast is produced by the Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains
PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration
If you have any further resources or links you think would be useful to add, do share with us via
Published by:
SNRD Asia and the Pacific Secretariat
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Registered offices
Bonn and Eschborn, Germany
193/63 Lake Rajada Office Complex 16th Fl.
New Rachadapisek-Rama 4 Road,
Klong Toey, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand
Bangkok 2024
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SNRD Asia and the Pacific Secretariat, Bangkok
Sector Network Coordination Unit, Eschborn
SNRD Asia and the Pacific Secretariat, Bangkok
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